Sunday 15 February 2009

Times' top blogs

Congratulations to Norm and Chris Dillow on making the Sunday Times  '100 best blogs' list. OK, so the list is a little arbitrary (sour grapes, moi?), and could more accurately be described as 'the best blogs that some of our staff writers happen to know about, plus a few of their friends'.  But even so...

Like all attempts by the print media to keep up with the online world, the feature is out of date as soon as it's published. For example, the writers wonder why John Prescott's blog has gone quiet since Christmas. That's because (as I reported the other day) he's no longer there, he's here. They're right, though, about the authenticity of Prezzer's posts being confirmed by the typos and grammatical errors. In last Friday's post, he described the 'strong sense of misjustice' produced by bankers' bonuses.  Of course, these could be deliberate mistakes, cleverly inserted to make us think  that the hitherto technophobic Prescott writes his own posts...

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